Honeywell Morley 1Loop Panel

This adaptability, support and intelligence means that the ZX1Se is suitable for new projects, retrofits and system upgrades in all application areas. Offices, industrial units, multistorey buildings, entertainment venues, industrial plants and hospitals are a few of the many applications that can benefit from the features of the ZX1Se intelligent multi-protocol fire alarm control panel.

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Rs.85,000.00 Rs.90,000.00
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Product Details

Honywell Morley Zx 1Loop Fire Alarm System

The initial installation of the system is aided by sophisticated features like AUTOLEARN. An internal routine that will automatically detect all the devices on the detection and peripheral loops saving the time of entering all the devices individuallyThe initial installation of the system is aided by sophisticated features like AUTOLEARN. An internal routine that will automatically detect all the devices on the detection and peripheral loops saving the time of entering all the devices individually.

The control panel can be configured to support any one of the five detection protocols by installing the correct loop driver cards in the control panel. For each loop the control panel will support a total up to 126 devices using Apollo, Hochiki or Nittan protocols and up to a maximum of 99 sensors and 99 modules (call points, monitor, control, conventional zone modules and addressable sounders) using the Morley-IAS or System Sensor protocols.

Morley IAS Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel

Morley Fire Alarm System
  • Branding
    Honeywell/ Morley IAS
  • Zones
    Upto 20Zone/Individual LED Indicator/Max200/120Software Zones
  • Display
    4x40-Ch LCD Alphanumeric Backlight Display
  • Serial Interface
    3Serial Port/RS485/RS232 plugin Card
  • LED Type Zone Indicator
  • PSU
    220VAc/6Amp/ Battery Charger 1Amp
  • Standby Batteries
    24v/ 2x 12v 7Ah/ 2x 12v 24Ah
  • Loops in Panel
    1 Loop
  • Loop Capacity
    Max 99 Sensor/ Max 99 Module Addresses per loop
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